Gorran Haven Arts and Culture

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Gorran Haven Arts and culture

There are many groups in Gorran Haven that will help release your inner artist. Why not browse these groups and if you see something that interests you, get in touch and get involved.

Arts and crafts Groups

Gorran Haven Art Club

Art Club

The club meets monthly on a Sunday in the Gorran Haven Memorial Village Hall. All welcome.

Gorran Arts and crafts group

Arts and Crafts Group

The club meets weekly on Wednesdays in the Old Schoolroom, Gorran. All welcome.

Culture Groups

Gorran Haven Film Society

Film Society

The Film Society meets twice a month in the Memorial Village Hall.

Cornish Groups

Help support Cornish culture by learning history, language and crafts

Gorran Cornish Group - Bagas Kernewek Gorran

Cornish Language

Learn how to speak Cornish with Bagas Kernewek Gorran.

Gorran Haven withy crafters

Crab pot making

Learn the art of crab pot making using locally grown withies.

weather and tide times

At a glance