Bell Ringers
St Goran Church
Practice Wednesday 7.30pm
Bobby Tregunna 01726 843864
BlazeYouth Group
Jayne Holmes
01726 843345
For years R-Y5
Meet Fridays term-time 6.00 – 7.15pm at Haven Church, Gorran Haven
Chat Club at the Village Hall
A home cooked two course lunch and a get together with friends at the Memorial Village Hall, Gorran Haven.
Open to residents, visitors, young or not – so – young.
Meet at 12 noon alternate Thursdays. Please see Village Diary for confirmation of dates.
Chill Out
Contact : Matthew Fox
01726 983756
For ages School Year Y6
Meet Friday term-time 6pm at Haven Church, Gorran Haven
Coffee, Cake & Company
Old School Room, Gorran
Mondays 10am – 12 noon.
Friends of Gorran Community Bus
Sally Oliver(Treasurer)
01726 844695
Support Gorran community bus by raising funds and also operate the Gorran Bus Supporters Group
Friends of St Goran, St Just and St Michael Caerhays
Secretary Jill Hargraves 01726 842166
email :
For Hall Bookings for the West End Room
Margaret Jordan 01726 842836
Fund raising team to support these local churches
Friends of the Triangle
Sheila Beesley
01726 844533
A group of volunteers who try to make the triangle more attractive with plants and bulbs.
Volunteers and donations towards the cost of plants are welcomed.
Gorran Cricket Club
Sally Kendall secretary
01726 842094
Gorran Football Club
Mick Ayres
01726 844912
Training evening Bell Hill 6.30pm Thursdays
Gorran and District Phoenix Group
Maureen Scott OR Peggy Wright
01726 842835 01726 842369
3rd Tuesday of month
Bell Hill Community Room
Gorran Haven Beavers
Melinda Douglas
01726 843082
Mondays 5.30-6.30pm
Meet at St Ewe Village Hall
for ages 6-8 years
Steve Williams secretary
Telephone: 07515437520
email: secretary.ghht@gmail.
For temporary visitors moorings please contact
Gorran Haven Memorial Village Hall
(formerly The Institute)
Looby Barkhuysen secretary
01726 844506.
Organise numerous events in the village
Street Market
Easter Egg Rolling
Krafty Kitchen
Holly Fayre
Gorran Haven and Mevagissey Guides
See for details.
Meet in Mevagissey.
For girls aged 7-10 years
Gorran Haven Snooker Club
Secretary:Colin Dunkley 01726 842414
Gorran Haven Yoga Group
01726 842383
Meet St Ewe Village Hall Thursday evenings 7-9pm
Gorran and Mevagissey Cubs
Kate Eyre
01726 842846
Meet Mondays 6.30-8.15pm
St Ewe Village Hall
for ages 8-11 years
Gorran Rainbows
Lynne Gouldsmith
01726 842484
Meet Wednesdays Bell Hill Community Rooms 4.30-5.30pm
This is a pre-brownie group for 5-7 year olds, a section of Girl Guiding.
Gorran under 11’s and under 14’s Football Teams
Jan Bartlett secretary
01726 843975
Hedgehogs Pre-School
Michelle Beard
01726 842595(school) or 01726 842161
For ages 2-4 years
Mon-Fri 8.45-3.30pm
Elliot Hut Gorran School
Knit & Natter Group
Haven Church
Contact: Sue 01726 842873 or Jayne 01726 843345
Little Stars
From birth to pre-school
Haven Church Fridays 10am – 11.30am
Contact Carolyn 07971 099417
Lodge Art Circle
Ann Kellaway secretary
01726 842774
Meetings held weekly on Thursdays 9am-12 noon at Bell Hill Community Rooms
For membership please contact Ann Kellaway
Maureen Pascoe School of Dance
Maureen Pascoe
01726 843043
Meet Mevagissey School Tuedays from 3pm
from aged 3 years
Mevagissey Ladies Choir
Judy Fuller secretary
01726 844982 email:
Choir practice Thursdays 7.30pm – 9.15pm at St Andrews Church, Mevagissey
Welcome visitors to join them and new members.

Sheila Beesley
01726 844533
Rummikub & Scrabble
West End Room , St Goran Church
Contact ; Christine Woodbridge 01726 843749
2.30pm – 4pm last Tuesday of the month.
Short Mat Bowls
Contact Brian Smelt 01726 842294
Meet St Ewe Village Hall Mondays 2.00pm – 4.00pm
St Goran Brownies
Meet at St Andrews Church Hall, Mevagissey
Contact: Paula Volkner 01726 821004
St Goran Parish Council
Mrs Lesley Pothecary
Parish Clerk
01726 842498
St Goran History Group & Old Cornwall Society
Michael Bunney 07939457590
St Goran Playing Field Trust
Mandy Walsh secretary
Tel: 01726 843808
To book Bell Hill Community Rooms
contact Jane Andrews
01726 843738
University of the Third Age (U3A)
The primary role of the U3A is to provide opportunities for learning for retired people over 50, either to gain knowledge and insights or to expand on what they already have. In doing so, new interest, companionship and entertainment are enjoyed and members are offered a chance to contribute to something for the benefit of fellow members.
St Austell U3A
Membership Secretary; Ann Smith
Walking Netball
Roseland Academy, Tregony Mondays 6.0pm to 7.0pm
Contact Kate Hayhurst 01726 844313 or Rose Johnston 07523 170124