These extracts from Grandfather Sanders Pocket Book kindly provided by Frank Pinto.
Grandfather Sanders Pocket Book
(Transcribed by Frank Pinto in 2010)
What follows is a transcription of a small book, measuring approx 3in X 5in. Inside the front cover, which is reddish brown and once carried a brass clasp to keep it closed, is the Almanac for 1851. It contains observations hand written in pen and ink by, Grandfather Sanders. Its entries start in 1851 and end in 1867 although there are some later entries in a different hand. I have typed these later entries in italics. It gives a brief insight into some of the people living in Gorran Haven at the time, mainly listing Births, Deaths and Marriages. Its contents may help those interested in researching their family history.
It is said that at the time the entries start Grandfather Sanders was the landlord of the Ship Inn, Gorran Haven. The Ship Inn was situated at the top of the beach in the cottage now known as Beach House. It is part of the complex that contains the Mermaid Café and is now surrounded by the sea defence wall known locally as “The Platt”.
The book is currently the property of Robert Holland, who lived for most of his childhood in Gorran Haven. He now lives, with his wife Jenny, in France.
The book was bequeathed to him by Dorrie Liddicoat who lived with her husband Jim and his brother Fred in a cottage in Rattle Street, Gorran Haven, now known as Rosedale. Fred and Jim were fishermen working together on a typical Gorran Haven Crabber named Lindy Lou. These gentlemen were well known to anyone living in Gorran Haven just after the Second World War. Both men always wore the fisherman’s “uniform” of roll necked navy sweaters and jacket. Jim was a large quiet man but Fred was a real character always with a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. He chain smoked untipped Woodbines. He smoked them until the stub became that small that it was too hot to hold between his lips. The next cigarette was then lit from this stub if he could find a way of holding it without burning his fingers. He was also the caretaker of the snooker room in the Old Institute. Those of us boys who were teenagers in the sixties spent many winter school holiday afternoons sitting, happily, with Fred around the “Tortoise” coal fired stove.
I have tried faithfully to reproduce Grandfather Sanders words and spelling. Where I have found it impossible to read a word or letter I have inserted question marks.
Each page of the book is numbered but not, I believe, by Grandfather Sanders. I have, however, included the numbers as reference points.
Not all of the entries are in chronological order so I have emboldened the years. This I hope highlights where entries have been added later.
On page 5 there is reference to “taking up the West Briton”. It would appear that Grandfather Sanders must have found some of the articles in the newspaper so interesting that he made entries about them in his book.
The first section of the book, (approx 35 pages) relate to the pub and are lists of items needed for brewing. The more interesting contents follow.
Page 1.
June 17th Brewd 36 galls o beer
July 7th Brewd 18 Galls o beer
July 31st Brewd malt 1 7
August 4th 3 6
12th 3 6
19th 3 6
25th 1 7
Sep 30th.
13th Jan E A Home one day with bad lip
E A went to Miss Clark Oct 21st.
Home 3 days with finger.
Sep 26 Seteld with my house and Esther.
Page 2
£ s d
June pead for malt & hop 3 15 0
July 5 12 2
August 2 2 6
August 3 15 10
Sept 4 8 0
Oct 1 13 9
Nov 2 14 0
Dec 3 12 0
27 3 7
Jan 2 5 0
Feb 2 5 0
March 3 9 0
April 4 2 6
May 2 5 0
May 4 7 0
June 4 10 0
July 5 12 6
August 7 2 0
Sept 6 0 0
Page 3
May Lead out for the house
£ s d
Lock and lach 1 3
Glas and puttey 2 8
Hingis for windos 0 6
Paint and oil 1 0 10
Brushes and Lime 3 6
Wood 1 1 6
Work 10 6
Hingis and latch for doors 2 6
Edward Oliver 7 0
Jacub Reaket 1 0
3 11 5
William Gie 1 41/2
Jacub Recket 2 6
Settled 3 15 31/2
Febry 28th Cheldren went to scool
April Susan home 1 & 1 week
Elizebeth 2 & 1 & 2
Page 4
£ s d
June 4 47 tuns of coals 16 9 0
Fright 12 6 9
Carige & stowin 1 8 10
30 4 7
July 23 Coals 47 tuns 16 9 0
Fright 13 1 0
Carige & stowing 1 18 0
30 18 9
61 3 4
April 1st
401/2 tuns of coals 28 17 0
Carige 1 0 10
Stowing 7 6
Lowence 2 6
30 7 10
June 4th 11 tons 6 cwt 7 9 8
Carige & stowin 5 2
Lowence 1 0
7 15 10
Page 5
Janry Lead out for the house
£ s d
Chimle top 5 0
Jacub Recket 2 6
Repearing Slet 2 6
Nov Repearing Slet 8
March 53 Reparing slet 1 6
Oct Wod for Stalile 7 0
May 53 Bought a pig of Mr Burn
West Briten tuck up on the 19th of March 1852
Page 6
Eliza Ann went to Miss Clarks Oct 21st 1851.
Nov 16th Pead Miss Clark 12s 6d
Dec home 3 Days with a Bad finger
Janry 1852 home one day with A bad Lip
Febry home 15 days with A bad thum
Dec 27th 1852 A very high tide.
Broke in Sellers Doors
Nov 18th 1852 The Duke of Wilinton beured
Page 7 £ s d
Sept 4th Coals 5 cwt 2 4 2
Sept 27th 63 ton 42 10 0
Janry 1st 1853 Malt 1B 8 Galls
Janry 21st Malt 1B 8 Galls
Febry 10th Malt 1B 6 Galls
Febry 10th Settled
Febry 19th Malt 3 3
Febry 19th Hops 29 lbs
Febry 26th Malt 3 galls
March 11th Malt 21/2 galls
April Malt 5 3 Galls
May 6th Malt 21/2 Galls
May 30th Malt 21/2 Galls
June 4th Malt 21/2 galls
June 4th Hops 30 lbs
Page 8
Oct 1852
Paid Mr E Cowlin for malt & Hops £7 2s 6d
Dec £3 9s 0d
Pead in 52 £52 9s 6d
Febry 1853 Pead 3 18 4
March 7 2 0
May 7 10 0
June 14th 7 2 6
Sept 10th 13 2 0
Nov 3rd 8 0 0
Dec 4 2 6
50 17 4
Page 9
Receved malt & Hops from Mr E Cowlin July 3rd Malt 21/2 Bushls
July 17th Malt 11/4
July 24th Malt 21/2
Augst 7th Malt 21/2
Augst 7th hops 28 lbs
Augst 17th Malt 11/2 B
Augst 28 Malt 21/2
Sept 11th Malt 21/2
Sept 25th Malt 21/2
Oct 9th Malt 21/2
Oct 9th Hops 25 lbs
Oct 23rd Malt 21/2
Nov 24th Malt 21/2
Dec 24th Malt 1 B 8 g Settled
Page 10
Baut of Mr Varcoe
15 tons 9cwt Coals
19s per ton £14 13s 6d
April 25th
Baut of Mr Varcoe
18tons 9cwts of Coals
17s 9d per ton £16 7s 6d
May 27th
Baut of Capt Lealen
16 tons 3 cwt of coals at
17s 3d per ton £13 19s 0d
Page 11
Baut of Mr Varcoe
33 tons 8 cwts of Coals at
16s 6d per ton £27 11s 0d
Carige 14s 7d
Stowing 8s 4d
Lowence 4s 6d
£28 18s 3d
Sept 6th Baught of Capt Leleain
30 tons 1cwt of Coals at
17s per ton £25 10s 0d
Carige & Lowence 9s 0d
Stowin 2s 6d
£26 1s 6d
Dec 5 Baught of Capt Leleain
551/2 tons of Coals at
22s 7½ d per ton £62 15s 8d
Carige Stowing £ 2 7s 8d
Totel £65 3s 4d
Page 12
Baught of Mr E Cowlin Malt & hops
B Gs
June 9th Malt 2 15
July 11th Malt 21/2
July 30th Malt 21/2
July Returned Hops 121/2 lbs
August 8th Hops 41/2 lbs
August 13th Hops 3 lbs
August 13th Malt 2½ B
August 22nd Malt 21/2 B
August 22nd Hops 12 lbs
Sept 10th Settled the above
Sept 12th Malt 15 galln
Sept 17th Malt 21/2 galln
Sept 17th Hops 2 lbs
Oct 1st Malt 21/2 B
Oct 1st Hops 20 lbs
Nov 3rd Settled the above
Nov 21st Malt 11/4 B
Dec 2nd Malt 11/4 B
Dec 19th Malt 11/4 B
Page 13
Oct 1853 Baught of John Frances 3 Hogheds of Cider at £1 2s 6d per Hoghed Settled
Do of Wm Dingle 2 hogheds at £1 2s 6d per hoghed Settled
Do of Wm Dingle 4 hogheds at £1 5s 0d per Hoghed
Oct 31st Pead Wm Dingle £5 2s 0d Settled
Do Recherd Hennea 2 Hoghead for £1 5s 0d per Hoghead £2 10s 0d Settled
Receved from W Dingle 2 Hoghead one kilderken & 8 galls
Page 14
Receved Malt & Hops of Mr E Cowling
Jan 21st Malt 21/ 2 B
Jan 25th Settled
Febry 18th Malt 21/2 B
March 4th Malt 21/2 B
March 4th Hops 30 lbs
March 4th Settled
April 8th Malt 21/2 B
April 23rd Malt 21/2 B
May 2nd Settled
Dec 22nd Malt 21/2 B
Pig 1
Janry 12th Hops 5 lbs
Janry 20th Hops 14 lbs
Malt 21/2 B
Page 15
Pead Mr E Cowling in 1854
Janry 25th pead £ 3 8s 0d
March 7th pead £10 10s 0d
May 2 Pead £ 6 17s 0d
Sept 30 Pead £13 13s 0d
Nov 25 Pead £ 6 10s 0d
£41 0s 0d
May 1st Pead £24 12s 0d
June 12th Pead £ 6 13s 0d
Augst 6 Pead £12 7s 6d
Oct 2 Pead £ 7 12s 0d
£51 5s 0d
Page 16
March 2 Malt 21/2 B
March 24 Malt 21/2 B
Do Hops 30 lbs
Aprl 14 Malt 21/2 B
Do Wheat ½ B
May 1st Settled
May 5 Malt 21/2 B
Wheat ½ B
May 26 Malt 21/2 B
June 12 Settled
June 23 Malt 21/2 B
July 16 Malt 21/2 B
Hops 3 lbs
July 27 Hops 24 lbs
Malt 21/2 B
Augst 6 Settled
Page 17
B G s
Winued Weat 15 15
Barley 2 12 30
Barly 1 14 17
Weat 1 2 26
Barley 1 22 23
Weat 4 12 £4 15s
Weat £8 16s
Barley £3 2s
B G £ s
Barley 3 8 3 2
Barley 2 0 2 1
Barley 5 20 3 10
Weat 2 3 2 15
Weat 8 8 11 15
Barley 15 20 9 9
21 4
Weat 6 5
Barley 8 8
Page 18
May 16th Ad Coal from J Liddycoat
102 ton 18s 6d Per Ton £94 7s 0d
Stawing £ 1 5s 6d
Carige £ 2 7s 6d
Lowance £0 14s 0d
£98 14s 0d
Page 19
Oct 10 But of Mr Hicks
Malt 21/2 Bush
Hops 3 Lbs
Poorter 1 Kilder
Nov 2nd Malt 1 B 6 Galls
Hops 4 lbs
Nov 28th Malt 3 Bus 18 Gall
Hops 4 lbs
Dec 11th Hops 1cwt 2qtr 27 lbs
Janry 2 Malt 5 B
Febry 28 Malt 5 B
Poorter 1 Kilderk
Apprl 2 Malt 5 B
Poorter 1 Kilderk
May 14th Malt 5 B
Porter 2 Kilder
Dec 24 Porter 2 Kilder
Page 20
Nov 2 Pead Mr Hicks £ 6 3s
Dec 11th Pead Mr Hicks £16 1s
Janry 19th 1856 Pead £ 7 18s
March 28 Pead Mr Hicks £ 7 11s
May 20 Pead Mr Hicks £15 3s
July 9 Pead Mr Hicks £11 15s
August 22 Pead Mr Hicks £15 14s 6d
Oct 31 Pead Mr Hicks £12 10s 0d
Janry 7th 1857 Pead Mr Hicks £ 2 0s 0d
£95 1s 0d
Page 21
July 7th Receved from Mr Hicks
Malt 61/2 Bus
Poorter 3 Kild
July 9th Settled the above
July 9th Poorte 5 Kild
August 5 Poorte 5 Kild
Malt 71/2 B
Sept 9 Malt 5 B
Poorter 1 Kild
Oct 11 Malt 5 B
Nov 3rd Malt 6 B 6 Galln
Dec 4 Malt 5 Bush
Janry 4 from Mr Hicks 5 Bush
July 1st Malt 21/2 Bush
Poorter 3 Kildr
July 7th Malt 5 Bush
Poorter 4 Kilder
Sep 5 Bush
Page 22
Janry 2 Receved from Mr E Cowlin
Malt 21/2 B
Janry 17 Malt 21/2 B
Febry 14 Malt 21/2 B
Febry 17 Settled
March 7 Malt 2 B 16 Gal
March 21 Malt 1 B 6 gal
Aprl 4 Malt 21/2 B
Aprl 18 Malt 21/2 B
May 15 Malt 21/2 B
May 30 Malt 21/2 B
June 13 Malt 21/2 B
June 27 Malt 21/2 B
July 4 Malt 21/2 B
Hops 21/2 B
July 14 Malt 5 B
Augst 6 Malt 5 B
Sept 1 Malt 4 B 7 Gal
Page 23
Febry 17 Pead Mr E Cowlin £11 10s
Aprl 18 Pead Mr E Cowlin £12 9s
June 2 ad Cash £ 5 9s 0d
July 17 Pead £16 12s 6d
August ad Cash £4 0s 0d
Octr 2 Pead £12 6s 6d
Oct 29 Pead £ 8 12s 0d
Dec 23 Pead £10 0s 0d
Pead in 1857 £80 10s 6d
Janry 15 Pead £10 0s 0d
May 18 Pead £17 10s 0d
Augst 25 Pead £15 0s 0d
Sept 20 Pead £ 2 5s 0d
£44 15s 0d
Page 24
June 23 Receved 67ton 14cwt of Coal
From the Eliza 17s per ton £57 10s 10d
Page 25
Sep 5 from E C Malt 5 Bus
Oct 2nd Malt 21/2 B
Oct 16 Malt 21/2 B
Sider 2 Hogs
Barly 3 Bus
Oct 29 Settled
Dec 12 Malt 21/2 B
Dec 24 Malt 21/2 B
Feb 20 Malt 21/2 B
March 6 Malt 21/2 B
March 20 Malt 21/2 B
Aprl 1st Malt 21/2 B
Aprl 17 Malt 21/2 B
May 8 Malt 21/2 B
May 22 Malt 21/2 B
Page 26
Malt from Mr E Cowling Bush Galls
June 1st Malt 21/2 3
June 19 Malt 2 15
June 30 Malt 2 18
July 17 Malt 2 18
Hops 70 lbs
Aug 7 Malt 21/2
August 25 Settled
Sept 18 Malt 2 6
Sept 20th Settled
Dec 11th Malt 21/2
Dec 24 Malt 21/2
Settled 38 Bush
Janry 1859 Malt 5
Febry Malt 5
March Malt 5
April 2 Malt 21/2 B
April 16 Malt 21/2 B
March 22 Settled
Page 27
August receved Malt from Mr Hicks
August 16 Malt 7 1/2 Bush
Sept 7 Settled
Sept 18 Malt 5
Oct 7 Settled
April 26 Malt 5 Bush
Malt 5 B
Sept 10 Malt 5 B
Nov 3 Malt 5 B
Dec 15 Malt 5 B
Janry 30 Malt 5 B
March 16 Malt 5 B
Aprl 13 Malt 5 B
May 11 Malt 5 B
May 16 Malt 5 B
May 27 Malt 71/2 B
July 3 Malt 71/2 B
July 3 Hops 86 lbs
July 23 Malt 5 B
40 Bushel
Page 28
Pead Mr Hicks £ s d
Janry 7 Pead 11 7 0
July 2nd Pead 7 12 0
July 7th Pead 9 11 6
Sept 7 Pead 6 19 0
Oct 7 Pead 5 0 0
Dec 17 Pead 8 18 0
39 7 6
1859 Pead Mr Hicks
May 13 Pead 7 9 0
July 27 Pead 8 1 0
Oct 10th Paid 9 0 0
Nov Paid 9 8 0
26 9 0
Jan 10th Paid 10 6 6
Feb 14 Paid 11 11 6
Aprl 10 Paid 8 17 0
Aprl 26 Paid 9 5 0
June 14 Paid 17 5 0
July 19 Paid 20 16 0
78 1 6
Page 29
Pead Mr E Cowling £ s d
Janry 10 7 10 0
Febry 19 Pead 7 10 0
May 16 Pead 7 10 0
July 5 Pead 12 0 0
Augst 31 Pead 14 10 0
Dec 12 Pead 8 19 0
57 9 0
March 22 Pead 11 0 0
July 20 Paid 17 10 0
Sept 27 Paid 11 0 0
Nov 7 Paid 2 9 6
Page 30
Receved malt from Mr E Cowling
May 28 Malt 21/2 Bushls
June 11 Malt 5
June 11 Hops 44 lbs
July 2 Malt 21/2
July 5 Settled
July 12 Malt 21/2
July 19 Malt 5
Augst 9 Malt 21/2
Augst 27 Malt 5
Augst 31 Settled
Oct Malt 21/2
Nov Malt 21/2
Dec 12 Settled
Janry Malt 1 B 16 Galls
Janry 14 Malt 21/2
Febry 25 Malt 21/2
March 10 Malt 5 Settled
Aprl 7 Malt 5
Page 31
Receved malt from E Cowlin
May 8 Malt 21/2 Bushel
May 12 Malt 21/2 Bushel
May 26 Malt 21/2 Bushel
June 15 Malt 21/2 Bushel
June 30 Malt 21/2 Bushel
July 20 Settled
Augst 4 Malt 5 Bushel
Augst 24 Malt 21/2 Bushel
Augst 24 Hops 45 lbs
Sept 27 Settled
Ad Malt from Mr Hicks
Sept 5 Malt 5 Bushels
Sept 26 Malt 5 Bushels
Oct 19 Malt 71/2 Bushels
Nov 30 Malt 5 Bushels
Ad in 1861 Malt 621/2 Bushls
Page 32
Augst 6 Paid Mr Hicks £ 9 2s 0d
Oct 5 paid £20 13s 0d
Nov 1st Paid £ 8 0s 0d
In 1861 paid £115 16 0d
Janry 8 Paid Mr Hicks £12 6s 0d
Janry 17 £12 16s 0d
March 18 Paid £ 6 2s 0d
May 16 Paid £15 18s 0d
July 5 Paid £10 17s 0d
Augst 8 Paid £16 5s 0d
Oct 8 Paid £15 6s 6d
Nov 7 Paid £2 9s 6d
Dec 2 Paid £10 0s 0d
£101 11 4
Page 33
Ad from Mr Hicks
Janry 13 5 Bushells Malt
Febry 27 5 Bushels 5-5-0
Aprl 24 5 Bushels
66 lbs Hops 5-17-10
June 5 5 Bushels Malt
July 8 5 Bushels Malt
August 2 71/2 Bushels Malt
Sept 3 71/2 Bushels Malt
5 lbs Hops 8-9
Nov 27 5 Bushel Malt
37 lbs Hops 2-17-0
Dec 31 5 Bushels Malt
55 Bushels
Page 34
Paid Mr Hicks
Janry 7 Paid £22 12s 6d
Aprl 8 Paid £19 10s 0d
July 8 Paid £21 9s 6d
Sept 1st Paid £21 0s 0d
Oct 7 Paid £12 15s 6d
Janry 6 Paid £25 7s 0d
March 2 Paid £11 6s 0d
Aprl 6 Paid £ 3 5s 0d
July 6 Paid £ 13s 0d
Augst 5 Paid £11 14s 0d
June 3 Paid £10 0s 0d
Sept 6 Paid £12 6s 0d
Nov 5 Paid £13 16s 0d
£86 17s 0d
Page 35
Malt from Mr Hicks
Febry 28 Malt 5 Bushels
Aprl 4 Malt 5 Bushels
Aprl 30 Malt 5 Bushels
Hops 47 lbs
June 13 Malt 5 Bushels
July 11 Malt 5 Bushels
Augst 8 Malt 5 Bushels
Sept 3 Malt 5 Bushels
Oct 15 Malt 5 Bushels
Hops 1cwt 2qtr 3lbs
£12 6s 8d
Nov 28 Malt 5 Bushels
45 Bushels
Janry 2 Malt 5 Bushels
Febry Malt 21/2 Bushels
Aprl 27 Malt 5 Bushels
July 16 Malt 5 Bushels
Sept 5 Malt 71/2 Bushels
Oct 22 Malt 5 Bushels
Page 36
Paid Mr Hicks
January 7th Paid £11 14s 6d
April 7 Paid £11 19s 0d
May 19 Paid £ 7 5s 6d
July 7 Paid £ 1 17s 6d
Sept 5 Paid £ 6 11s 0d
Nov 25 Paid £ 6 19s 6d
Dec 28 Paid £ 9 8s 0d
£55 15s 4d
Janry 17 Left the house and Mr Parks went in
Janry 13 John Guy went in the cottige to live
Page 37
From Mr Hicks
March 4 Malt 5 B
July 8 Malt 5 B
July 29 Malt 5 B
Augst 18 Malt 5 B
Sept 27 Malt 5 B
Oct 28 Malt 5 B
Dec2 Malt 5 B
Nov 9 Lent Mrs Rickwood £3 0s 0d
Page 38
1854 Nov 7 Mr E Harvey left Gorran for Ostrelyea
1857 July 27 Mr Varcoe Seald from Liverpole for Ostrelyea
1857 Sept 9th Grace Honney Seald from Liverpole for A Merica
Page 39
H John Dadd Maried Nove 11 1854
Nichles May Maried Nov 21 1854
Mr Wm Kendell Maried Nov 22 1854
Wm Kitto & Elizebeth Rickerd Maried June 29 1861
Litel Edward Herrel Drowend July 8 1861
Brat home my mother on the 2 of May 1860. She left on the 20 of June 1860
Page 40
Fred Ball & E Ann Sanders Maried March 17 1860*
First child born Oct 5 1860
Second child born June 29 1862
Little Fiddey died June 22 1865
Third child born Janry 23 1868
4th Child born Nov 30th 1872
Thos Grose & Sard Ann grose Harral Maried Nov30 1861
August`18th 1874 E Ann Ball had a son Charley Ball born Nov 13 1875
C Ball died of wounds received in action April 3rd 1918 at Elaples France
Page 41
John Thomas
Gorge Thomas
& Edward Guy maried Sept 22 1856
Wm Guy & Ester Liddicoat maried Oct 18th 1856
Joseph Keys & Carraline Hennah maried Sept 8 1861
Mr E Cowling maried Nover 27 1861
John Dingle & Mary Ann Rickerd maried March 2 1862
Samuel Granvel died June 14th 1867
Page 42
Wm Rouse & Susan Golley maried April 19 1862
Thos Biling & Eliza Harvey maried Janry 26 1865
Mr Michell & Elan Frances maried April 13 1865
Miss Lanyan maried September 9th 1868
Gorge Golley and Ann Biling maried September 17th 1868
Page 43
S Kerkin & Mary Sanders maried march 3 1863
Cora Mary died July 19 1867
4 Child Born August 8th 1868
Wm Rickerd & Susan Sanders* maried Oct 13 1867
Presumably another daughter ? I think this may be Wm Richards not Rickerd.
First child born Aprl 16th 1868
Second child born March 7th 1870
Third child born Oct 3 1873
Febry 1872 Mary Kerkin very ill
Page 44
The Bath & West of England Exebichen 1868 held at Falmouth June 1st
1st day 659 tickets sold at 2s 6d
2nd day 1-831 at 2s 6d
3rd day 8-903 at 2s 6d
4th day 15-961 at 1s 0d
5th day 3-797 at 1s 0d
totle for the week 30-881
£2-284 –7s-0d
January 10th 1870 M Kerkin and family went to Falmouth to live to keep a drapers shop
April 1871 S and M Kerkin had the small pox at Falmouth
Page 45
Silas & Elizebeth Prophet and two children left Gorran on the 18 of August 1868 for to seal from Liverpoole on the 20th in the Hibernian
Wm & Eliza Frances and one child and from Londonderry to seal for Quebec in America and on the 22nd there was a very heavey Gale of wind a great los of life and shipping on the Liveool Coast.
But the arived out safe
Page 46
Oct 5th 1868 Emma Kerkin died
Nov 26th 1868 Mr Keys died
I receved for my pinchin up to 1st of January 1869 £340 14s T. Sanders
January 31st 1867 Mr Varcoe sold the Ship Inn to Mr W Hicks for £61
Febuary 4 1867 Ann Climo died
June 14 1867 my brother Samual Granvell died
Page 47
June 14 1867 John Beer and Walter upset thare boat. Pick up by Wm Oliver narely drowend
1869 January 19th Evening from 8 to 10 a clock S. Kerkin servant girle ad achild out in the pigs house. Child ded
22nd Inquest held on the child. Returned verdick concealment of burth
Febry 2nd she was taken to St Austell and commited to Bodmin to take her triel to sizeis Tried on the 18 of March ad two months hard labeur
Page 48
1869 March 17 Mr Jinkens and Wm Michel died
Mrs Liddicoat
58 Killigreco St. Falmouth
Dec12th 1868
Thos Liddicoat died aged 61 years
Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they confort me. Psalms 23rd 4 virse
Janry 1867
The Prence of Wales & Lady Mordaunt a devorce triel in 1870
Page 49
John Pomery & Lize Kirken maried March 17th 1870
John Pomery seald from Plymouth March 18th for Osterilyea*
Looks like he sailed the day after the wedding
Wm Harvey & Esther Oliver maried March 21st 1870
Mary Jane Pomery died 22nd March 1870
Elizabeth Pomery seald from Plymouth to go to her husband to Osterilyea John Pomery May 25 1872
Page 50
The Emperor of France and Marshal Macmahons army surrendered to the King of Prussia on the 2nd of September 1870
Surrender of Metz Oct 27 1870 Marshal Bazaine with 173.000 officers and men lead down thare arms to the Prushens
320-000 french prisoners in Germany now
Sunday Janry 29th 1871
An armistice tuck place of 21 days between France and Prushia the Germans tuck possechen of the furts at Parras the french lead down ther harms
Page 51
The Loss of H M S Captain
The captain iron plated turet ship capsised of Cape Finister on the 7th of September 1870
Janry 17th 1871
Mr Harry Liddicoat and Miss Mary-Lowisa Julyan maried
Dec 30th 1871 first child born
July 2nd 1873 second child born
March 21st 1871. Her Royal highness Princess Louise with the Marquis of Larne maried
Page 52
I certify that the pensioner named on the other side is alive on this date. But (infurm) unable to atend in person to receive his pension
Navey pensioner £18 4s 0d per year
Greenwich pensioner £13 12s 0d
- Oct 15th Lead the foundashen stone of Govermant buildings at Gorran Haven
1867 Nov 29th Mrs E Ann Swoue died
Page 53
Sunday Febry 26 1871
Peace porclemed between Prushea and France
France to pay Prushea
£200-000,000 in 3 years
£40-000,000 in 1871
£80-000,000 in 1872
£80-000,000 in 1873
March 1st 30-000 Germans marcht into Paris and all the Germans troops all left the next day
Mr E Cowling & famely left Gorran for America June 2nd 1872
Page 54
Peter Pomery died Good Friday April 7th 1871
Gabrel Share died 1871
John Guy seald from Plymouth for Osterilyea May 27th 1871
John Pill died 22nd of Augst 1871
Thos Grose died 17th of Oct 1871
Nicklis Oliver died 1871
Wm Oliver died 1871
March14th Margret Dalley died 1872
Haryet Rowse died April 13th 1872
Page 55
Edwin Frances & Julia Wheeler Maried May 1st 1872
Wm Rickerd died June 9th 1872
Joseph Oliver died Sept 14th 1872
John Pomery died Nov 6th 1872
Wm Ball the Cripple died July 27th 1873
Tamazine Ball died March 16th 1874
Page 56
Mrs Silas Prophit
Breclein Post Office
Mard Entario
Canada West
July 8th 1872
Gabral Share & Joseph Dada Caut 500 Mackrel plumating. Sold at Mevegassey 9s per 100. £2 5s 0d a good days work
Mrs Ann Smith died Dec 1st 1862 aged 59 years.
Page 57
E B Liddicoat
W.M.Browne Esqr
Frampton Cottage
Clarendon Road
Putney S.W.
Sept 27th 1871
E.B. Liddicoat came home from London unwell. Left a gen for London Nov 17th to go to her Place. Came home a gen Nov 20th
June 16th 1874 Mr W.L. Mitchell and two sons left Gorran for Queensland
Mrs Mitchell & daughter left 19th June 1876
Page 58
Mr Grose went in and tuck charge of Mr S Kerkins drapers shop at Falmouth on the 22nd of August 1872
August 29th Mr Kerkin came to Gorran to atende a funearel of Pachence Kerkin. S. Kerkins sister
My Dear Mary. left again on the 30th.
Sept 23rd M. Kerkin & family left Falmouth & came to Gorran
Oct 23rd My Dear Mary* & family left Gorran for London. Seald for Willington New Zealand in the Forfarshire
Capt James Fox Shaw & Savill & Co
Nov 14 1872
Page 59
Nov 19th Receved a letter from My Dear Mary. from the Downs. Leying in the Downs. Wind bound. Expected to seal that day 16th but wind S.W.blowing strong.
22nd Receved a nother letter from Exeter very heavy weather wind S. W. rite a head
That night thare was a very heavy gale from the S.S.W and the next day much shipping and lives lost on the coast. My Dear Mary and family out in it all but no acount of them. 3 hemmagrant ships put back. One ship wreck at Poortland. 3 lives lost.
Page 60
Receved a nother letter wrot 1st. A piloat boat longside. Posted at Exeter. Gest ware they was wen the other letter went on shore. Had very ruf wind but nothing happened ondly a great shaking a bout. Very strong head wind but all well. P.S. now a fine fare wind came yesterday for them
Dec 8th
A nother very heavey gale of wind from S.W. Much dammage don by sea and land
I receved a nother letter from My Dear Mary. 8 of March 1873. Brot to Falmouth by a ship bound thare. Wrot Janry 5 1873. All well & fine weather
Page 61
An Emigrant ship run down by a steamer. 312 lives lost on the 22 of Janry 1873. Leying to the anker of Dongen ness. She was cald the North Fleet
Wreck of the Atlantic 650 lives lost 1st of April 1873 of the coast of Halifax
June 3rd 1873 I went to Ladock
Page 62
march 20th had a letter from H Liddicoat to inform us that the Forfarshaire had arived out to New Zealand all well . He saw Brogdoms agent had a tillegram to say that she was arived out safe and well. Brogdoms had hemmagrants in the same ship
1873 May14th. Had a letter from My Dear Mary. The arived to Willington Mar2nd. Allwell Thank the Lord Auckland post office
Page 63
Mrs Ann Plent died May 11th 1873
Mrs Mary Ann Trengove died 22nd May 1873
Mrs Kendle died at Cotna Oct 5th 1873
Mrs Waller died Febry 17th 1874
Mr Wm Harral died March 15th 1874
Page 64
June 10th Susan had a letter from My Dear Mary wrot on the 16 of April. All well
Adres Mr Kerkin
Mr Shorts Draper
Queens Street
New Zealand
Auguat 15th Mrs Varcoe had a letter from My Dear Mary all well. Wrot 14th of May
Likes of war with the Wickato natives 100 miles from Auckland
Settled No war in September
Page 65
July 3rd Mr E James & Olivia Water maried
Oct 19th Mrs Nickells. Capt Dick Nickells wife hangd her self at Mevagessey
1874 Febry 14th Mr Warn a cuper at Mevagessey hangd his self
Oct 15 Lead the foundashen ston of the government buildings at Gorran Haven.
Page 66
E.B. Liddicoat left Gorran for London August 7th 1873
Mr Mc Laren
Swiss Cottage
Somers Town
Nr. Tooting
Miss Liddicoat
No 3 Smallwood Road
Nr Tooting
E.B.Liddicoat maried Nov 23rd 1873.
Page 67
Aug 19th 1873 Wm Guy had a seasher in his head
Mrs J. Mc Laren
3 small Wood Road. Lower Tooting, Surrey.
Oct 1875
Mrs J Mc Laren
Stewarts Cottage, Somers town, Wandsworth Surrey.
Page 68
Sept 10th I had a letter from My Dear Mary. All well. Wrot on the 3rd of June
Dec31st had a letter from My Dear Mary
Febry 26 1874
Susan had aletter from My Dear Mary all well
Aprl 7th had a letter from My Dear Mary. Kerkin unwell and out of imploy
July 7th Mrs Varcoe had a letter from My Dear Mary. All well
Page 69
Janry 1st Mr Dobey Mitchell shat Mr Thos Smith in the face and bryst (breast?) but not ded. Blyend him in one eye
Febry 19th 1874
Mr Bride shot in the face with Mr Kendles man wen on duty going round the cleft. A coastguard
July 9th Mr Harry Liddicoat was hear to Gorran
Page 70/71
My Jesus I love thee I know thou art mine
For thee all the pleashires af sin I resign
My gracious redeemer my saviour art thou
If ever I loved thee my Jesus tis now
I have loved thee in life and I love thee in death
And I’ll praise thee as long as thou lendest me breath
And say when the death deu lies cold on my brow
If ever I loved thee my Jesus tis now
My souls full of glory wich inspires my toungue
Could I meet with angels I would sing them a song
I would sing of my Jesus and tell of his charms
And beg them to bear me to his loving arms
My God is reconciled, his pardoning vois I hear,
He owns me for his Child I can no longer fear
With confidence I now draw nigh and father abba father cry.
Page 72
Upon my head is glorious hope
Upon my bust my shield
With this bright sword I mean to fight
Until I win the field
My feet are shod with gosple peace
On wich I boldly stand
Resolved to fight until I die
And gain fair Candans land
The hope the blissful hope
Wich Jesus grace hath given
The hope when days and years are past
We all shall meet in Heaven
Page 73
1873 and 1874
the expense of the Tichborne Prosecution and Conviction of Arthur Orton. The sum total is fifty five thousand three hundred and 15£ with sum odd shillings and one penny.
August 4th 1874
Mrs Varcoe was home are and brot me Mrs Mingoes* wisht letter from My Dear Mary . I believe this to be Sam Kerkins sister who married James Mingo the Butler at Caerhays Castle and is my maternal Great, Great, Grandmother.
August 11th 1874
I sent a letter with a P order for £5 to My Dear Mary. Letter registered at Mevagissey paid 2s 10d to have it don
Page 74
August 31st Susan had a letter from My Dear Mary all well. Mr Kerkin got into work at Napair 200 mile from Aucklan.
Nov 4th had a letter from Falmouth with one from My Dear Mary. All well
Dec16. I had a letter from My Dear Mary wrot the 22 of Oct . all well
Mrs Watson Durham St Auckland Nr Napeir
Beef 9 to 9 lbs bacen 1/3 eggs 3/6
butter 2/6
Page 75
Tammey Hill put to St Austell August 20th & to Bod man asilam 21st
1877. February 1st Tammey tacen to the asilam the 2nd time
Mr Thos Smyth Black Water Nr Scorrier
Page 76
August 29th Wm Richards & John Frances faut. John Frances harm hurted very bad
Mrs J Mc Laren
First child born Janry 8th 1876. Maried Nov 23rd 1873
2nd child born october 31st 1877
Mrs J.Mc Laren
Robensons Cottages
Somers Town
Nr Tooting, Surrey
December 6th 1876 & 1877
The last letter
Page 77
Janry 12th 1875 had a letter from My Dear Mary wrot on the 23rd of Nov 1874. all well ad child 2nd Nov
Dereclins Mrs S Kerkin
Care of Kenross & co, Napier New Zealand
1875 April 12 th had a letter from My Dear Mary wrot on the 18 of Febry thinking of coming home
May 18th had a letter from My Dear Mary wrot on the 18th of March. Expected to leave 24th for England in the ship Glenlora of London Mary stayed in New Zealand only about 30 months
Page 78
Lose of a maill steemer at Silley 310 lives lost. Cald the Schiller 7th of May 1875
May 21st 1875
Robert Pomery & David Pattens boat filed & sunk at Carrethew . The was pick up by James Billing and Tom Billing. All most drownd
May 22nd 1875 Mary Dinney died
June 16th 1875
Susan Rickerd Mrs Hadient ???
Died at London
Page 79
Mr John Boucher Jackett & Mary Sanders Bowden maried May 17th 1875
Edwin Nichels & Susan Hill maried Christmas day 1875
Mr Ward & Miss Whater maried 1st Janry
Mr R Nichels & Miss Margery Kerkin maried Janry 4th 1876
Wm Beer & Hedah Oliver maried January 8th 1876
Page 80
August 19th 1875 Betsey Beer died
Sept 11th 1875 Mrs Parkes died. Sudant
Fredrick Thomas Ball died Oct 2nd 1875 aged 131/2 months
E Anns next babe born Nov 13th 1875. Baptised at the methedist Chappel janry 6 1876 This is Charley Ball refered to on page 40 who died in France from war wounds in 1918
Mr Hicks Peroppa Near Mevagessey
Page 81
Sept 23 Mary Kerkin left Falmouth for Gorran. Oct 23 left Gorran for London
Nov 14 Left London for New Zealand
My Dear Mary arived Wilington March 2nd 1873. all well
My Dear Mary had child on the 2nd of Nov 1874
1875 July 17th had a letter from My Dear Mary wrot on the 14th of the Ils of Wite and sent on shore by Pilet. All well but head wind
Page 82
July 18th 1875 Mary Kerkin & family came home from New Zealand
August 6th M. Kerkin went to Ch Town to liv
M.K. went in Mrs L Mic???? Shop midsommers day 1876
Mr S. Kerkin came home from New Zealand August 29th 1876
Mary Kerkin & family left Auckland for England March 25 1875
Page 83
August 10th 1875 Gorran church re opend after gon throu a thorah repare
Colosian with H M Ships. The Iran Duke ran down her Magests ship Vanguard on the 7th of Sept 1875 and sunk her of the Irish cost
Finishing the repare of Gorran Ch Tower a serman preachd by the Lord Bishop July 31st 1876
Page 84
Mrs Rickerds Menagwins died February 10th 1876
William Rickerds lost two sows with 15 vears in the February 1876 worth
£12 0s 0d
one sow & 3 vears
March 30th 1876 Miss Kendall maried
Page 85
Susan Holley Oliver died April 16th 1876
Tamazine Billing died May2nd 1876
John Frances died July 5th 1876 aged 62 years
Mr French died at Flushing Nov 16th 1876 aged 86 years
Mrs Pathrick died January 12th 1877 aged 49 years
Page 86
May 15th 1876 Wm Ball went on bord the ganges to try to ship but the Dockter would not pass him
Age on magestate Certivicat born April 14th 1861
Mr Jenkins Cheef Boatman Polscathoa Gerrans
Mr Lowrey Tregarten died January 24th 1877
Page 87
All Most Home
Brothers loock I see the Haven
Ware I soon shall calmly rest
And no wave of care doth ripple
Ore its smooth and peaceful breast
To that port my vessel tendeth
On lifes sed no more ill roam
Angels bright are all around me
For the well im almost home
ALL most home
Page 88
Mrs Thos Liddicoat & Mrs Harry Liddicoat
Was to Gorran from Falmouth Auhust 22nd for 3 days
Mr Richards
I nkeeper
St Gorran
Page 89
Charritey Pomery had a sale for her things Septr 18th 1876. Charritey left Gorran 20th and went to Fowey
Mr Appeldore went to Polscathed to live January 26 1877. Superanevated on £70 a year
Mr Cowlings coast guard died March 5th 1877. sudent
Robert Dinney died 2nd of May 1877
Page 90
Wm Parks & Mary Ann Youten maried Febry 26 1877
Whit Sunday may 20th 1877 eve Wm Grose died sudent. Dolling the bel for Church
Richerd Jons died June 19th 1877
John Nickhels died July 16th 1877 aged 82 years
Harry Hirban died September 15th 1877
Page 91
April 24th 1877
War declared between Rushea & Turkey. First battle fot 26th
lost 800 men the Russians
200-000 Rushans crost the Danube up to the 1st of july
30 of July a great battle faut 8000 Rushens kild & 16000 wanded
another great battle faut August 21 to the 25 in the Shipak pass. The turks drove the Rushans out . The left 4000 ded in the pass & a great many wounded. A gret slatter with the Turks allso
Page 92
I went to Ladock May 25 and to Falmouth 30th
Came home June 8th
Oct 14th 1877 a very heavey gale of wind from the S-S-W. Much damage don by sea & land
Pease sined with Rusha & Turkey Janry 30 1878 but Rusha wold not stop marching on Constantinople.
The Russins lost up to this 89-879 men
But peace not settled.
Page 93
May 19th Wm Harveys house sold to Mr Hemingway for £150
June 16th the houseold furneter & all the things solde even thare bed
Ed Harvey bat thare bed and a fue things for them
Page 94
Eliza ball at ladock maried July 5th 1877
First child born July 7th 1878
John Pill & Eliza Pomery maried July 7th 1877
First chilsd born Nov 14 1878
Wm Billing or Billey Bob maried April 16th 1878
Richerd Pill & Maryana Pomery maried June 29th 1878
Page 95
Mrs M. Kerkin ad a daughter July 11th 1877
I went to Ch Town August 8th 1878
3rd Sept Susan & Wm went to St Austell
Rosey May went to Plymouth Hospitle ill Saugust 14th 1878
Came home not cuerd Christmas and maried Sept 27th 1879
First child born June 6th 1880
Page 96
James Rickerd died October 18th 1877 aged 72 years
Betsey Guy died Oct 16th 1877 aged 84 years
Page 97
Rachel Maria Honey
U.S Weld Co
N & A Col
Thos Keys left Gorran for St Mawes Oct 26th 1877
Mr Thos Keys com back to Gorran haven to live 3rd of June 1878
Page 98
Oct 4th 1877 Mrs Climo died
Nov 16th 1877 Edward Oliver died
Dec 14th 1877 Bessey Grose died aged 15 years a great sufferer for maney years. A happey realese for her
John Steevings died March 24th 1878 aged 85 years
Page 99
Dec 1877
The extract of Ruts or Mather Seigels
Curative Syrup sold by A.J White
36 Ludgate Hill London
I had a pare of shoos of Mr H Golley Dec 10th 1877
Mr Merrifield made cheef boat man. Left Gorran June 2nd 1878
Went to wite near wemouth
Page 100
at Zion Church New York June 16th Capt Thos Liddicoat late of Falmouth of the mail steem ship Cani?nd to Amelia Sophia Jarvis of Falmouth maried
Arthur Liddicoat and Miss Scues maried May 15th 1879
Page 101
Febry 19th Wallas Kerkin* went to Falmouth with Mr Liddicoat to learn the grocery bisnes
June 12th Mary Kerkin left Sam and com h down with us with two yungest cheldren. Went back 15th
Wallas Kerkin was home August 24th. 4 days
Wallas Kerkin came home August 8th for 10 days
Wallas Kerkin left Mr Liddicoat Febry 20th 1880
Page 102
Loss of H.M. ship Eurydice and 300 lives March 24th
The Eurydice frigate capsised of the Ile of Wite in a snaw storm. Ondley 2 saved out of more than 300. 315 men lost
A German ironclad sunk in the English Channel on the 31st of May 1878 and 326 livesz lost. 2 german men of war got in colloshen and one sunk in about 8 minets with 326 lives lost out of 540 men.
Page 103
Mr Thos Mitchell died April 5th aged 87 years
Little Frank Guy Died June 28th
Mrs Pattan died July 17th aged 58 years
Wm Rowes died July 21st aged 83 years
Mr Hemingways father died Oct 2nd aged 79 years
Wm Parks died Oct 5th aged 66 years
Page 104
The congress meet at Berlin in Germeney on June 13th to settle the Eastern question. England will be represented by Lord Beaconsfield and Lord Salisbury
July 13th Congress Brok up paice settled
England to have Cyprus to pay Turkey £150-000 a year ware the revenue is ondley £120-000
Cyprus is 1-45bmiels in lingth bredth 55 miles having an area of 4-500 miles having a population of 200-000.
Page 105
August 27th Joney Mingoe* had his rite hand cut of in his grandfathers thrashing mashin. Dockters tuck his harm of above the elbo. 4 of his fingers pickt up among the corn in the barne. My maternal Great Grandfather
Page 106
A very wet month a wisht time for the harvest. Plentey of thunder & litning
In maney parts of England much damage don
Sept com in fine
Page 107
A terrible disaster in the Thames. Narley 600 lives lost. The Prencis Alice of London coming up the reaver with about 800 Excursheners on board was run into by a nother steamer on 3rd of September 1878. The Prencis Alice sunk in les than 5 minites.
Sept 16th up to this time 700 boddeys pict up ded.
Page 108
A terrible colliery explosion at the Abercarn Colliery near newport. Out of 387 men & boys who went down the pit on the 11th of Sept 1878 ondley 112 have been saved. Leving 275 in the Pit. Pit on fier water turnd in to flud the pit
A nother acount sey ondly 82 have been saved.
Page 109
Linda ball maried September 28th 1878 to James Goodman Ladock
First child born Febry 28th 1879
Richerd Oliver maried November 26th 1878
Page 110
Mr Hemingways father died October 2nd 1878 aged 79 years
Mr Hemingways had a sale for his howses & land at Gorran Haven Oct 15th 1878.
Had a sale for his stock and furneter Oct 28th & 29th Left Gorran Oct 30th 1878
Nov 29th seald from Plymouth for austerilya ad a fine run out channale 4 days & 4 hours from Plymouth to Madarea
Bursting of a 38 tun gun in the H.M.S. Thunderer. 12 keld & 32 men wonded January 2nd 1879
Page 111
M. Kerkin came with me to live October 30th 1878 with two youngest cheldren forst to leave her husbend.
Mrs Varcoe from Ladock was heare May 25 1879
I went to Ch Town June 12th
Page 112
E Ann went in Walter Beers House November 2nd 1878
Page 113
Sunday morning Oct 27th 1878 young Wittey Hearle fell from a loft in the H.M.Ship and was kild.
Janry 3rd 1879 John Ball died
Janry 11th 1879 Pearce Every died
Febry 2nd 1879 David Pattans child died
March 4th 1879 John Andrew died
Georg Salliman died sudent March 18th 1879
Page 114
Dec 1878 the West of England and South Wales district Bank faild
Suspension of the Cornish Bnk at Truro Falmouth Redruth & Penign January 4th 1879
A meeting held at Truro Janry 28 a diveden of 16s in the £
Page 115
March 11th 1879
Elopment the Hon M Arbuthnott or otherways armstrong eloped from Mevagissey with Miss Edith Kendle but was taken at Exeter and put backto St Austell for pasin fals checks on a London Bank. Tried at St Austell and turnd over to Bodman sisesis. Tried at Exeter got 12 months hard laber at Bodman for foargery
Page 116
Handrew Pattan died April 26th 1879 aged 72 years. With brown crites
Wm Rowlings died April 27th 1879 aged 72 years. With brown crites
Elizabeth Jane Grose died May 8th 1879 with brown crites aged 62 years.
Page 117
May 25th 1879 Mrs Herben died. a happey relese for her. aged 63 years
Edward Harvey died May 27th 1879 aged 78 years
Grace Dadas child died June 3rd 1879 aged 10 days
Fannay Share died June 12th 1879 aged 73 years
Page 118
June 29th 1879 Sunday Edward Guy died sudent in the Wesleyn Chapple aged 82 years
James Grose died July 16th 1879
Sharlet Youten died November 20th 1879 aged 66 years
Page 119
Mrs Mary Ann Smith the beloved wife of Thos Smith died at Black water Sept 11th 1879 aged 63 years. Her end was peace
Oct 18th Thos Smyth was are to Gorran for a week
Page 120
Mr Harry Liddicoat was at Gorran Sept 5th 1879
Mrs E. Liddicoat was at Gorran Sept 16th 1879 from falmouth
Granmother Kerkin died January 28th 1880 aged 76
Granfather Kerkin died March 14th 1880 aged 79
Page 121
Febary 5th 1880. Robert Pomerys boat sunk and father & son drownd. Never pick up and ondley 2 botem boards of the boat
April 8th night 1880 a great wreek with the crab pots lost more than half of the pots with the mackerl drivers and tramels.
Page 122
Sunday night February 8th 1880
A very heavey gale of wind two vessels lost on our cost. A scuner at Pentuen ondley one man saved and a french vessel all hands lost at Charlstown
The was 2 welch vessels not one french
Mr Fisher died March 9th 1880 aged 82 years
A ladey loging with Mrs Walls died March 9th 1880
Page 123
Mr Gorge Thomas Lanlether died March 13rd 1880 Aged 50 years
Little Jacob Robings died April 12th 1880 aged 111/2 years.
Wm Harvey died 1880 aged 82 years
Mr Phylip Johns died October 15th 1880 aged 78 years
James Dingle died Janry 2nd 1881 aged 89 years
Page 124
Master Wm Kendell & Miss Luke Mitchell maried Septr 23rd 1880
June 16th 1874 Mr Wm Luke Mitchell and two sons left Gorran for Queens land
June 19th 1876 Mrs Luke Mitchell and Daughter left Gorran for Queensland
Mr W.L.Kendell com home to Gorran to see his mother July 19th 1883 but she was dead befor he com. She died June 3rd aged 81
W.L. Kendell left Gorran April 29th 1884
Page 125
March 2nd and 3rd 1881
A very heavey gale of wind from S.East.
A friench scuner drove a shauer at the Volt beach Gorran. She was struck by a sea of the Dodman and washt a man & boy over bord & drownd.
A sale for things the 9th at the Volt
24th the boy pickt up at Volt.
The same night a nother frinch vessel went a shour nare Charls Towne all drownd 5 in No.
Page 126
January 31st 1881. Sam & Wallas Kerkin went to Plymouth to emagrant to Queensland
Seald from Plymouth February 9th for Brisbane Queensland in the ship Zamora.
May 28th Mary ad a card from the ships agent St Austell to sey the Zamora arived to Brisbane may 23rd
Mary ad a letter August 2nd to sey the arived to Queensland all rite wrot the 3 of June
Nov 29th Mary ad a letter from Wallas.
Page 127
Dec 6th 1881
Mary ad a letter from Sam Kerkin Queensland
July 20th Mary ad a letter from Sam Kerkin to sey Wallass vessel was wrect but no lives lost on the 11th of May 1882
September 15th 1882 ad a letter from Wallas, Wm Ball, Tom Frances & verioes well
Oct 10th ad a letter from Wallas all well.
December 19th 1882 Mary ad a letter from Wallas with £5 0s 0d in it
Page 128
January 3rd 1883 ad a letter from Wallas
January 4th Mary ad a letter from Sam Kerkin her husband.
February 29th Mary ad a letter from Wallas.
March 29th Mary ad a letter from Mr Sam Kerkin. Wallas ad left stemer and gon in a otell to live 300 miles from Brisbane a place cold Mackey
April 17th mary ad a letter from Wallas with £2 0s 0d
June 19th Mary ad a letter from Wallas all well.
Page 129
March 27th 1882
Wm Ball Thos Frances & two Varcoes left Gorran for Plymouth to emagrant to Queensland. Saild from Plymouth 2nd of April in the ship Zamora for Brisbane Queensland
Arived to Brisbane 15th July. 15 weeks going out
Oct 10th ad a letter from Wm Ball well
Dec27th E.Ann ad a letter from Wm Ball with £2 0s 0d
April 17th 1883 E.Ann ad a letter from Wm Ball*
Page 130
Wm Near seald for Queensland 10th may 1882
Wm Near arived June 30th ton Queensland.
Page 131
Esther Guy died Octr 15th 1882 aged 60 years. A great suferer but her hend was peace.
Nickles Liddicoat died 30th of May 1883
Paggey Kerkin died Nov 16th 1882 aged 83 years
Mr John Pill died August 7th 1883 aged 84
John Golley died Febry 27th 1884 aged 76 years
John Guy died August 6 1886 aged 95 years
Page 132
March 14th 1883
Loweza Mary Ball went to Falmouth to liv with hant Liddicoat. Came home Dec 24th
August 31st 1885 Mr Witford died at Mevagissey was caried to Penryn & bueried with his friends
Page 133
Mosstey Kerkin went with his unckel H.Kerkin June 11th 1883 to liv
He left and com home last day of August
Thos Sanders Kerkin born Nov 2nd 1874
Mod Mary Kerkin born July 11th 1877
Page 134
June 19th 1883 E.Ann ad a letter from Wm ball with 4 likness s
September 5th 1883 E.Ann ad a letter from Wm Ball with £4 0s 0d
July 14th 1884 E.Ann ad a letter from Wm Ball 1200 miles in the Bush from Brisbane. Wrot on the 17th of April.
Page 135
August 8th 1883 Mary ad a letter from Wallas with a Post order for £8 0s 0d and papers for she & family to com out to Brisbane
Wallas paid £10 for thare pasige out to Queensland. Mary paid £4 0s00d for thare out fit in ship
Page 136
Mr W. Kerkin
Prince of Wales Hotel
Mr I kerkin
C/o Mr Weeler
Queens st
Sarah Kerkin taken from Gorran Haven to Bodman asilam June 25th 1886
Page 137
Oct 22nd 1883
My Dear Mary & Family left Gorran for Plymouth to seal in the Merkara steamer for Brisbane Queensland. Seald on the 24th 9 am
Nov 10th ad a letter from My Dear mary from Malta wrot on the 3rd post stamp 2nd all well
Nov 21st ad a letter from Port Sed all well
Marcara listed arived to Brisbane 13 December all well
Page 138
March 4th 1884
Ad a letter from My Dear Mary from Brisbane all well.
Montey in a steamer with Wallas £3 a month all found
June 12th Mrs Varcoe to Ladock ad a letter from Mary wrot on the 10th of April 1884. The famely ad been all bad. Sanders very ill with the fever of the country. Was all better. Montey fourst to leave his ship. Wallas home 3 weeks bad but gon to his ship agen
August 14th E.Ann ad a letter from Mary. All well. Sent one to Mary 20th of August
Page 139
August 26th 1884
Mrs Varcoe Ladock ad a letter from My Dear Mary all well
Sept 22nd ad a letter from My Dear mary all well
May 20th 1885
E.Francis ad a letter from My Dear Mary a bout Tom Francis things. Wallas Kerkin was to Mackey seeing about them.
Ad a letter from My Dear mary July 7th 1885
I wrot to My Dear Mary July 29th 1885
I wrot Mary may 17th 1886
Page 140
August 5th 1885 ad a letter from Wallas Kerkin all well
August 25th Susan ad a letter from Mary all well
Nov 9th Mary Sanders ad a letter from My Dear Mary all well
September 6th 1886
I had a letter from My Dear mary. She ad a very bad finger a wiklow on it. 2 cors workt out of it. Suferd a lot. Dodterd twise Pead £1 for it & now the are gon 40 miels a way a gen. Got a farm 100 & 70 ekers
The are like a wondering sheepe never stop in one place
Wallas is cheef Stuerd in a company of steemers. Dooing well & Montey is at Brisbane in the stoors.
Page 141
Began about the Queyt at Gorran haven 2nd week in June 1886. Finesht last week in Nov 1886
Page 142
I wrot My Dear Mary nov 23rd 1886
E.Ann ad a letter from My Dear Mary May 17th 1887. all well wrot March 26th
Mrs Kerkin
Wassen Villas
Warry Shut
Page 143
October 7th 1890
Wm Richerds Juner and Helen Pearce Maried at Gorran church
William James Liddicoat
Frederick William Liddicoat
Born 1st October 1892
Hilda May Liddicoat
Born 20 April 1894
James Liddicoat
Born Nov 18th 1906
Bessie Liddicoat died July 24 1901 buried Sunday 28
Page 144
Ball No
Fredrick 15058
Fredrick Ball X His mark
64 life long service Devonport
Navel reserve
Not sure what this is
Page 145
Mr Thos Saunders died Janry 31st 1892
Mrs W Richards died Janry 26 1893
Mr W Richards died April 30 1895
December 3 1896 W?? C???
December 4 1 C??? W??
Mrs Eliza Ann Ball died Sept 9 1903
Mr Frederick Ball died June 7 1906
Grandfathers daughter and son-in-law
Page 146
William James Liddicoat
Louisa Mary Ball married June 9th 1892
Ernest Charles Legg
Ellen Ball married August 31st 1895
Charles Ball & Laura Liddicoat married April 20th 1904
Charles Ball died at Etaples Hoapital France of wounds received in action April 3rd 1918
Presume E.Ann & Freds children
Page 147
Ena Maude Ball born Oct 16th 1904
Joe Oliver died of wounds Oct 1914
Courtney oliver killed in France Nov 1914
Richard Billing died at the naval hospital Truro April 1918
Page 148
William Henry Patten drowned off Ireland July 1914
Thomas E Pollard drowned off Scotland Oct 1914
Charles Liddicoat died of wounds received in action at France Nov 1914
Charles Ball died of wounds received in action at Etaples Hospital France April 3rd 1918
William Robins Guy killed in action in France April 1914
Page 149
January 28th 1884
Marieg of the American midgets at manchester known as General Mites nativs of the United States of America
The Bridegroom stand 22ins and weighing 9lbs the Bride stand 20ins weighing 7lbs
June 4th 1885 a great fier at Mevagessey
Wm Billings seckend wife died Nov 19th 1885 in child birth
Lorra Ball died July 7th 1886
Page 150
June 16th 1883 Sunderland. 181 cheldran cruesht to death in the Victoria Hall at an Entertainment.
The galery doore being block the ware crusht to death leaving the galery one on the other befor the could be releved.
Began a bout the old Church at Gorran Haven July 14th 1884
June 4th 1885 Church opend by the Byship
Mrs Liddicoat from Falmouth & Mr H Liddicoat from Falmaouth & Mr Fred Varcoe Ladock was hear to the opening the church.
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Mrs Grace Honey
Weld Co
United Stats America
Augst 3rd 1885 Mrs Wm Granvell
My brothers wife was heare to Gorran for a week
Wm Granvell was at Gorran August 6th 1884
Wm Granvell was at Gorran Sept 22nd 1881
Mr Thos Smith was at Gorran Sept 6th 1881
Page 152
April 1880
Sapose los of H M Ship Atalanta with 700 men & boys on board no account how it apend
She was never heard of aney more. Nothing pict up belongin to her.
The Duke of Hedeburrow was at Gorran Haven march 24th 1882
Mrs E Liddicoat
Mr H Liddicaot
Mr Fred Varcoe was at Gorran haven June 4th 1885 the day the church was opend
Page 153
April 8th night 1880
The Gorran men lost most all thare crab pots and trammels with the mackerl drivers cut and card away most all from £2 to £12 to a boat.
I was up seeing the church at Gorran haven June 12 1885 a very nice little church the first time being out for 8 months
Page 154
Majer Cardew
Pey Offecer of Pensioners
Falmouth Janry 1879
Majer Cardew
Staff Officer
Sargent Collins
8 South St
St Austell
Mrs J Mc Laren
Robensons Cottages
Somers Towne
The last adress 1880
Page 155
Janry 21st 1867
The hend of the Ship Inn washt down at Gorran Haven
January 31st 1867 Mr Varcoe sold the Ship Inn to Mr W Hicks St Austell
Our loved ones William James Liddicoat
died Dec 14th 1929
Louisa Mary Liddicoat died Nov 27th 1935
Are these people Fred & Jims parents
Your obedient servant & co
Page 156
June 22nd 1853 E Ann went to Gerrens to live
June 25 Mary went to Penryn to live
July 1854 out settled for my clubs with Mrs Liddicoat. Ad cash £8 0s 0d July 12th
Settled the above
Settled for my club up to the 1st July 1855
E 530587
Nov 7th 1854 E Harvey left Gorran for Ostarilya. Saild from Liverpool on the 24th
May 22nd James Guy tuck house
1867 Grandfather Thomas Sanders daughter, Susan married a Wm. Rickerd on 13th October.
(Rickerd should probably be read as Richards).
1868 Susan Richards had her first child 16th April.
1870 Susan had her second child 7th March
“The loss of HMS Captain. This iron plated turret ship capsised off Cape Finistere on 7th September.”
1872 A Wm Richards died 9th June.
1873 Susan had her third child 3rd October.
“ An emigrant ship run down by a steamer. 312 lives lost on the 22nd January. Leying to the anker of Dongen ness. She was cald the North Fleet”.
“Wreck of the Atlantic 650 lives lost 1st April off the coast of Halifax.”
1874 Tammey Hill put to St Austyll August 20th & to Bod man asilam 21st.
June 16th Mr Wm. Luke Mitchell and two sons left Gorran for Queensland.
29th August Wm. Rickerd (Richards) and John Frances faut. John Frances harm hurted very bad. (There is no indication as to why they “faut”)
1875 May 21stRobert Pomery & David Pattens boat filed & sunk at Carrethew. They was pick up by James Billing and Tom Billing. All most drowned.
“7th May. Lose of a mail steemer at Silley 310 lives lost”.
1876 June 19th Mrs. Luke Mitchell and Daughter left Gorran for Queensland.
Charritey Pomery had a sale for her things Septr 18th. Charritey left Gorran 20th and went to Fowey.
Mrs Richards, Menagwins died on 10th Feb.
Wm Richards lost two sows with 15 years worth £12 (The reference to Menagwins and pigs implies the family were involved with farming)
1877 Feb 1st Tammey taken to the asilam the 2nd time.
May 19th Wm Harveys house sold to Mr Hemingway for £150 June 16th the household furneter & all the things solde even thare bed. Ed Harvey bat thare bed and a fue things for them.
James Richards died aged 72 on 7th October. Wm Richards “Juner” married a Helen Pearce at Gorran church. (Presumably Susan’s son)
1878 Mr Hemmingways father died October 2nd aged 79 years.
Mr Hemmingways had a sale for his stock and furneter Oct 28th & 29th
Left Gorran Oct 30th Nov 29th seald from Plymouth for austerilya. Ad a fine run out channale 4 days & 4 hours from Plymouth to Madarea.
At Zion Church New York June 16th Capt Thos Liddicoat late of Falmouth of the mail steam ship Cani?nd to Amelia Sophia Jarvis of Falmouth married.
“ Loss of HM ship Eurydice and 300 lives March 24th. The Eurydice frigate capsized of Cald the Schillerthe Ile of Wite in a snaw storm.”
“ A German ironclad sunk in the English Channel on the 31st of May and 326 livesz lost. 2 german men of war got in colloshen and one sunk in about 8 minets with 326 lives lost out of 540 men.”
“ A terrible disinter in the Thames. Narley 600 lives lost.” The Prencis Alice of London coming up the reaver with about 800 Excursheners on board was run into by a nother steamer on 3rd of September 1878. The Prencis Alice sunk in les than 5 minites. Sept 16th up to this time 700 boddeys pict up ded.”
1880 Master Wm. Kendell & Miss Luke Mitchell married Septr 23rd.
Febary 5th Robert Pomerys boat sunk and father & son drownd. Never pick up and ondley 2 botem boards of the boat.
April. “Sapose los of HM Ship Atalanta with 700 men & boys on board no account how it append. She was never heard of aney more. Nothing pict up belongin to her.”
1883 Mr W.L. Kendell com home to Gorran to see his mother July 19th but she was dead before he com. She died June 3rd aged 81.
1884 W.L. Kendell left Gorran April 29th.
Thomas appeared to have had aspecial interest in shipping disasters. The following are his records, presumably taken from the West Briton newspaper.
1886 Began about the Queyt at Gorran Haven 2nd week in June. Finesht last week in November.
(This refers to the construction of the present Quay. It is difficult to imagine that this could have been completed in less than 6 months. John Charles Williams who owned Caerhays Estates bought the land on which the quay and pound stand from the Duchy of Cornwall, built the quay, at a cost then of several thousand pounds and gave it to the fishermen. A very generous man. The fishermen promptly formed a Co-operative Society to safeguard its future. This Society continues to be active, managing ”.the harbour and raising funds for its upkeep.)
1893 26th June Mrs W Richards died.
1895 30th April Mr W. Richards died.